Sunday, September 18, 2011

Helpful Application

I have this application on my iphone that is helpful for reviewing Japanese characters.
It's called Kana and costs 2.99 but is completely worth it. You can review both hiragana and katakana characters. The program goes up by levels so that the beginning levels are reviewed first. The game also takes note of which characters you keep missing and replays them more so that you learn them. At the end of the level you can look at how many characters you missed and what percentage you got.
Here are some screen shots from my phone:



  1. I wish I could find something like that for my phone, it seems very helpful! I guess I'm just stuck with regular old flashcards for now.

    As the poster above said, ありがとございます。

  2. はじめまして、わたしはノートルダムだいがくのがくせいです。

    Pictures are so cute.

  3. こんにちわ!The application looks very helpful. I should download it right away! ありがとございます。
