Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Practicing What We've Learned

わたし の かようび の スケジュール です。

まいあさ 8じに おきます。
9じに にほんご の クラス へ いきます。
まいにち にほんご の クラス は 9じ10ぷんから 10じ15ふんまでです。

ごはんをたべます。 たまご と ベーコン を たべます。

イタリアご の クラス へ いきます。
まいにち イタリアご の クラス は 12じから 12じ50ぷんまでです。

1じ ホッケー へ いきます。 
かようびともくようびに ホッケーは 1じはんから4じ15ふんまでです。

それから べんきょうします。 しゅくだいをします。 
かようびにあるばいとをします。あるばいと は 8じから 10じまでです。
まいばん 11じはんに ねます。


Some extra vocabulary:
スケジュール - schedule
クラス - class
いきます- to go
たべます - to eat
たまご - egg
ベーコン - bacon
ホッケー - hockey
いそがしい - busy


  1. Wow you have a full schedule! まい週、かようびは たまごとベーコンをたべるんですか?にほんご がんばってください!

  2. Your blog look so nice! I love all of the pictures.
    It is great that you are taking two languages. What made you want to begin Japanese on top of Italian?

  3. Wow this post looks awesome! your breakfast looks delicious :) It's so cool that you play field hockey- one of my best friends from home does, and it seems really tough.

  4. This definitely took me a while to read but I'm glad I did because I am putting my Japanese knowledge to work, babyyy!
    Thanks for teaching me the new words. Now I know our lives at Columbia are defined by "いそがしい"!

  5. @Maddie Thank you! I originally studied Japanese a year ago at the same time I was taking Spanish but stopped it to focus on Spanish to study abroad. Meanwhile I forgot everything I learned so I am actually retaking the first year of Japanese again! While I was abroad I went to Italy and could understand a lot. I like taking languages so I decided that I would restart Japanese and also start Italian this year.

    @Emma field hockey is really tough! I am always covered in bruises- but it is so much fun to play.

    @Fiona they most certainly are defined by "いそがしい"!

  6. Thank you for teaching bacon, as that is one of the most important words in the world! I like that you're expanding the vocabulary, and applying what you've learned to your own life, it's very cool!

  7. Ciao! Come stai? イタリアご べんきょうしますか。Come va l'italiano? どんなご ですか。Spero che tutto vada bene e in bocca al lupo! Fammi sapere se hai bisogno di aiuto con l'italiano. qualunque domanda che tu abbia... まいにち にほんごのクラスは くじじゅうぷんから じゅうじごふんまで たいへんですよ。
